Category: Uncategorized
100 points of identification
1 Primary required Primary for 70 points Foreign Passport (current)Australian Passport (current or expired within last 2 years but not cancelled)Australian Citizenship CertificateFull Birth certificate (not birth certificate extract)Certificate of Identity issued by the Australian Government to refugees and non Australian citizens forentry to Australia Primary for 40 points Australian Driver Licence/Learner’s PermitCurrent (Australian) Tertiary…
The 3 ways to apostille a university document
There are three acceptable ways to apostille a university document. Apostille Stamp has notaries available and can process the document at DFAT in one to two days. Call 0450 007 064 if you have any further questions.
QCAA document verification
The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority has a helpful website for verifying documents created by them. The website address is You will need the last name of the person on the document, the LUI and the Document ID which is also on the document.
Chinese Legalization Issues
Lodging documents at the Chinese Visa Application Center is fraught with problems. You are not allowed to include any copies of Chinese Documents like passports, drivers licenses and now I have learnt the previous legalization stamp is not allowed to be present in the documents. A copy of the legalization stamp can be made when…
How to notarise a private companies constitution
The director can sign on the constitution in front of the notary and the document can then be apostilled. If a director is not available to sign a copy in front of a notary, the directors can sign a print out of the constitution and state this version of the constitution is the current version…
The availability and quality of Notaries in NSW and VIC
NSW has approximately 1200 Notary Publics, VIC has about 180 Notary Publics. Despite NSW having vastly more Notary Publics there are still some places in NSW that have no Notary Publics in town. Having so many notaries in NSW means that many Notary Publics in NSW see only one or two clients requiring notary work…
Requirements for Notarised Documents to be Apostilled in 2022
One page documents that are notarised generally have no problem being apostilled as all notaries know to sign and stamp a one page document. Documents that have more than one page have to have the notaries signature on every page or they need to have a notarial certificate bound to the front of the document.…
What is an Apostille
Printers are really good at making copies of documents. Businesses and Governments around the world needed a way to tell if a document was genuine. Originally an international system called authentication was created. This allowed governments to stamp documents that they could verify were true and correct. Governments could authenticate documents that were issued by…
Do all signers need to be present?
Often our busy lives make it hard for all signers to be in the same room. As long as all the signers see the same notary the different signers can see the notary at different times.
Where to get a proof of residency from
The ATO is where you can find the most acceptable proof of residency overseas. Please see—individuals/ The document is called a Certificate of Residency and can be obtained by going to sending a letter or a fax or finding a tax agent. The letter should be sent to: Australian Taxation OfficePO BOX 3544ALBURY NSW…