Typically a notary will need to verify documents by sending an email to the educational institution and waiting for a positive confirmation. This can be time consuming and is complex to orchestrate. New services such as myequals.edu.au allow instant checking of qualifications issued since 1990 for many of Australia’s leading higher education bodies. A list of the Universities participating is here: https://www.myequals.edu.au/participants/

Many Universities run a page to verify a document, some of the universities are below

Griffith University https://www.griffith.edu.au/graduation/documents-and-verification

Murdoch University http://webapps2.murdoch.edu.au/gradregister/

QUT https://oqv.apps.qut.edu.au/search.jsp?errMsg=You%20must%20supply%20a%20Surname!

Curtin https://www.curtin.edu.au/students/essentials/examinations/results/online-award-verification/

Western Sydney https://avs.westernsydney.edu.au/

Melbourne University https://unimelb-web.t1cloud.com/T1SMDefault/WebApps/eStudent/Public/qualifications.aspx?r=%23UM.PUBLIC.WEB&f=%23UM.ESW.PUBLIC.WEB

Monash University https://graduate-search.monash.edu/

University of Sydney: Email student.records@sydney.edu.au and provide

  • student’s full name
  • student’s date of birth
  • student’s ID number (if known)
  • a copy of the document to be verified (if applicable).

University of Western Australia https://www.student.uwa.edu.au/course/award-verification-service

UNSW https://graduateregister.unsw.edu.au/
For documents other than Testamurs there is a Non Public Information Request form at https://onlinestudentforms.unsw.edu.au/public/verification-of-qualification which has a charge associated with the request.

University of Adelaide For public information email enrolments@ask.adelaide.edu.au. You will need a date of birth and the full name of the graduate.

If you need an academic transcript you will need a letter of consent from the client send with the verification request to enrolments@ask.adelaide.edu.au

UTS https://web-tools.uts.edu.au/qualifications/ you need an eight digit student ID to use this service.

Deakin Student Centre 133325 option 1

University of Tasmania has a database search at https://graduation-verification-service.utas.edu.au/Search.aspx